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User-Involvement for Power-2-X

Presented by Søren Bolvig.

Power-2-X is going to change the entire existing energysystem, where, in the future, energy will come from numerous different sources and technologies.

Power-2-X is a technological invention, in which surplus energy can be converted to hydrogen. This hydrogen can then be further refined into a state that can be stored and transported. This is a revolutionary change of the entire energysystem, which may help reap larger benefits from green energy sources, but for that to be true, the technology must adapt to the users, in the context in which they are to be employed.

That is why it is relevant to include these users in the development, something this course will present frameworks and methods for doing.


User-Involvement for Power-2-X

Presented by Søren Bolvig.

Power-2-X is going to change the entire existing energysystem, where, in the future, energy will come from numerous different sources and technologies.

Power-2-X is a technological invention, in which surplus energy can be converted to hydrogen. This hydrogen can then be further refined into a state that can be stored and transported. This is a revolutionary change of the entire energysystem, which may help reap larger benefits from green energy sources, but for that to be true, the technology must adapt to the users, in the context in which they are to be employed.

That is why it is relevant to include these users in the development, something this course will present frameworks and methods for doing.

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User-Involvement for Power-2-X

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User-Involvement for Power-2-X

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